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Throughout your development, you'll encounter challenges and triumphs, all of which contribute to your evolution as a leader or team member.


People may resist changing their leadership styles or adopting new practices, especially if they have been successful with their current approach.


Leaders must navigate complex interpersonal relationships and emotions, requiring a high level of emotional intelligence, which can be challenging to develop.


Leaders often face conflicting demands. Balancing short-term goals with long-term vision and addressing the needs of various stakeholders requires careful navigation.

For this reason, organizations and businesses need capacity building for a solid infrastructure where agreements above and below, within and without, are honored.

Does Your Organization Struggle with any of the Following:

  • Balancing technical proficiency with leadership skills.

  • Fostering effective communication and collaboration among diverse team members.

  • Motivating and maintaining high morale in the face of demanding development projects.

  • Resolving conflicts and managing differing opinions within the team.

  • Attracting and retaining skilled developers amidst competitive talent markets.

  • Constructing, clarifying, and honoring service agreements above and below, within and without.


The Spirit of Service®

We encourage, equip, and edify the capacity of institutions to impact the communities they serve with un-common traditions and legacies that shift the atmosphere, change culture, and create meaningful legacy.

Just Imagine. . .

Fostering transparency within your organization.

Guiding your team in addressing challenges and eliminating barriers.

Cultivating a sense of togetherness and cooperation across the organization.

Offering a consistent and unwavering reason for showing up.

Enhancing the overall internal and external well-being of the community.



  • Collective Efficacy

  • Capacity Building

  • Application and translation of the Principles of The Spirit of Service® into simplistic actions and activities within groups.


  • Clarity of Vision, Mission, and Purpose as Individuals within the Institution and Community

  • Clarity of Application and Responsibility for the Efficacy of Individuals, and Teams within the Institution to actualize Vision, Mission, and Purpose

  • Understanding and Application of the power of Agreements

Participants will walk away with the ability to…

  • Effectively organize and allocate time, treasure, and talent in both professional and personal life.

  • Create and adapt a harmonious life according to individual preferences and needs.

  • Reestablish connections with one’s various life roles, obligations, and core values.

  • Identify and address indicators and phases of burnout in a timely manner.

  • Employ crucial mindfulness techniques, encompassing both minute-by-minute and larger-scale approaches, to enhance well-being.

Principles of the Spirit of Service®


Conference/Meetings with Key Stakeholders to review process and ground rules and outcomes identification for the fidelity of the engagement, fidelity of the Model and client success are billed at $350/hour.  Average hours for this are 8-10, inclusive of small group stakeholder meetings.  It is also during these meetings that the Scope of Work is clearly defined and agreed upon.  To ensure successful implementation and progression of SoS® we ask that for these meetings there is an assigned Champion from the C-Suite and/or a sponsoring person at the level of Vice President or your company’s equivalent.  We also ask for Human Resources involvement from the outset as measurements of success must be user-friendly for your company.

The Spirit of Service®, SoS® Basic Training is comprised of two (2) Modules offered in two (2) consecutive days.  (Each cohort is allowed a maximum of 25 participants).  Each day’s training begins promptly at 8:30 am and ends promptly at 4:30 pm with two (2) 15-minute breaks and a 30-minute lunch on-site. Price includes workbooks. The client is responsible for the venue, food for lunch and breaks and communications equipment. Module I: (One Day): Introduction and Orientation  Module II: (One Day) Building tangible infrastructures for Collective Efficacy. The client is responsible for the venue, food for lunch and breaks and communications equipment. The fee for this training is $7500.00.

All Post-Basic Training Consulting is planned around the institution/organizations’ Vision and Mission statement. Successful implementation, continuous evaluation and institutional personalization necessitate Lifeworks, Inc.’s collaboration for optimal outcomes as agreed in the Scope of Work.  The items listed below are critical to successful brand identity as an institution/organization that demonstrates confident measures of the ability to keep internal and external constituent agreements for Vision and Mission Performance. Pricing:  All of the above services are priced at $350/hour or an agreed upon pre-engagement scope of work price specific to the number of employees/cohorts to be trained and shepherded through the “wilderness of strategic culture change.”

This is a signature SoS® one-day training for Leadership and Staff cohorts who have been stuck in the paradigm of attempting to lead from silos.  We teach the power of individual vulnerability by using the art of sharing personal story to equip, edify, and encourage customers, clients, and Outcomes Partners®, above and below, within and without the institution.  Its chief strategy is to break down historically erected barriers around artificial internal and external class structures.  It is based on our belief at Lifeworks, Inc. that success is a series of individual and collective Firewalks (what feels like literally walking on Fire). The client is responsible for the venue, food for lunch and breaks and communications equipment.

Your Path to Success

Ready to take the next move to change the world around you? Get in touch today